Waveland Park Junior Tennis Lessons
Outdoor runs from April to October. We offer indoor sessions year-round.
Students are grouped according to age and skill level. Students with sufficient skills may move up to an older age group. Classes are split between drills that work on proper stroke technique and age/skill-appropriate gameplay to develop consistency, court awareness, and good sportsmanship. USTA Quickstart® methods (slower balls, shorter nets, and smaller courts) are used for 10 & Under classes making it easier for students to quickly succeed, gain confidence and have FUN!

Custom Schedules and Drop-Ins
Drop-in and custom schedules are also available for Junior Classes for students who can not attend the entire session of lessons.
To schedule, please contact Tennis on the Lake with your dates and times of attendance.
Upcoming Sessions:
Session 1: April 28 - May 25
Session 2: May 26 – June 22
Session 3: June 23 - July 27 (June 30 – July 6 break)
Session 4: July 28 - August 24
Session 5: August 25 – Sep 28 (Aug 30 – Sept 5 break)
Session 6: Sept 29 – Oct 26
Drop-In Rates
$35 / HR
$50 / 1.5 HR
$55 / 2 HR

Group Classes
90-minute group classes consist of a cardio or consistency warm-up followed by feeding drills to work on stroke production and point play drills to apply strokes and work on strategy. In each class you will get a work out, learn something beneficial to you and have FUN.
Book A Session
View class descriptions, schedule, and register.