Waveland Park Adult Tennis Lessons
Outdoor runs from April to October. We offer indoor sessions year-round.
Adult group tennis lessons are offered for all skill levels and designed to help you improve your technique and point-play tactics. Group classes consist of a cardio or consistency warm-up, followed by feeding drills to work on stroke production, then point-play drills to apply strokes and work on strategy. In each class you will get a work out, learn something new and have FUN.
- Each session lasts four weeks.
- Weekday classes meet twice per week Monday and Wednesday or Tuesday and Thursday (8 classes) and weekend classes meet once per week Saturday or Sunday (4 classes).
- Classes are offered in 60 min, 90 min. and 120 min. durations.
- Two personal makeups are allowed for weekday class enrollment and one personal makeup is allowed for weekend class enrollment.
If you need help deciding which level to enroll in, please contact the office to speak with the administrator or Tennis Director.

Custom Schedules and Drop-Ins
Whether you… want to try out a class, are just in town for the weekend, have a hectic or irregular work schedule, or are traveling and will miss more than the allotted makeups…Then DROP-IN LESSONS or a CUSTOM SCHEDULE may be for you.
Choose which classes you would like to attend from the schedule and contact the Tennis on the Lake office to confirm your dates of attendance. Priority booking is given to full session registrations.
Posted class schedules may change from session to session based on student registration.
Upcoming Sessions:
Session 1: April 28 - May 25
Session 2: May 26 – June 22
Session 3: June 23 - July 27 (June 30 – July 6 break)
Session 4: July 28 - August 24
Session 5: August 25 – Sep 28 (Aug 30 – Sept 5 break)
Session 6: Sept 29 – Oct 26
Drop-In Rates
$35 / HR
$50 / 1.5 HR
$55 / 2 HR

Group Classes
90-minute group classes consist of a cardio or consistency warm-up followed by feeding drills to work on stroke production and point play drills to apply strokes and work on strategy. In each class you will get a work out, learn something beneficial to you and have FUN.
Book A Session
View class descriptions, schedule, and register.